mining and geological service

ГК 'Прогноз'

Integrated engineering survey

The Prognoz Group performs all types of engineering surveys (geodesic, geological, environmental, hydrometeorological) for the design, construction and reconstruction of any mining, oil and gas, energy, road and rail facilities, airports, river and sea terminals, pipelines, electric lines and communication facilities, etc. Within the scope of geological exploration at the fields, a complex of engineering geological (geomechanical) studies is performed to calculate the stability of the projected mine workings. The increased level of responsibility is affirmed by the membership in self-regulating organization (SRO).

The Group has all the necessary equipment for the execution of works:

  • precision GPS receivers of geodetic accuracy class
  • drilling rigs of light and middle class, incl. portable, wheeled, caterpillar and snow-mobile chassis
  • testing ground laboratory
  • geophysical equipment
  • equipment for thermometric measurements, sampling and packing of samples of permafrost soils
  • effective satellite communication
  • modern field equipment for the organization of a field camp

The responsible executor of the project is in direct contact with the customer and oversees all stages of the survey work from the very beginning to obtain the results. Thanks to the established interaction between the departments, technical issues are solved in the online mode without long consultation, which greatly simplifies the course of work.
The results of works are accompanied by the executor until a positive conclusion is obtained.

The work experience of the Group includes numerous projects within the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts of the Russian Federation, including:

  • Complex engineering surveys and strength properties studies to calculate the stability of the on coal deposits (Zabaikalsky Krai, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia Republic), gold deposites (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Oblast, Transbaikalia), polymetals, jadeite raw materials (Krasnoyarsk Territory), rare earth metals, oil and gas condensate fields (KhMAO, YaNAO, Republic of Sakha - Yakutia)
  • Comprehensive engineering surveys within the framework of the Federal program for the construction of digital television networks (2012-2013), field work on 194 sites on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and on the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was completed in a short period of time
  • Comprehensive engineering surveys for the reconstruction of the gas pipeline system of PJSC Gazprom in Western and Central Siberia (2015-2017)
  • Engineering and geological surveys for the construction of the shaft "Skalisty" commissioned by the Norilsk department of the NGO Thyssen Schahtbau Gmbh (Germany) (2015-2016)